Sales and Marketing

Facebook Marketing for Microsoft Partners: A Primer

New functionality additions in the social networking tool mean creative Microsoft partners have more ways than ever to get the word out about the great things their companies are doing.

How Microsoft Partners Are Selling Office 365

Now that it's available, partners are prepared to start offering Microsoft's biggest bet in the cloud to date.

With Office 365, Microsoft's Direct Billing Drama Continues

Microsoft created a new partner category when it launched Office 365 to fix the billing problems that vexed partners with BPOS. But there's a catch.

Cloud Computing and Strategic Sales Management

Partners and sales teams are entering uncharted territory in cloud computing. Here are six tips for building a successful cloud practice.

For Microsoft Partners, the Focus Is Performance

It's one thing to be productive, but if your productivity comes at a high cost, you lose. Therefore, it's important to be efficient, too.

Microsoft Partners Find Benefits in 'Dogfooding' Lync

WEB EXCLUSIVE: It's hard enough to sell a product without having first-hand experience of it. That's even more evident when the product is Microsoft Lync. For some partners, adopting Lync for their own use has proven to be the best way to help their clients.

Channel Metrics Most Microsoft Partners Ignore

Traditionally, businesses monitor things like revenue, leads and phone calls made. All are important items to measure...but they only tell part of the story.

High-Performance Sales Management for Microsoft Partners

Building a strategic and effective sales management system is just like building anything else: It takes time, refinement and follow-through.

Microsoft Resellers: Cracking the Demand-Generation Code

The Microsoft reseller that can implement a process and system to develop opportunities on its own will always win in the marketplace.

CA Partner Portal Aims To Prevent 'Virtual Stall'

CA has created a microsite for partners to help them sell the CA Virtual portfolio and get past the "virtual stall" that often occurs when customers get about 30 percent of their servers virtualized.

Getting Enablement in Gear

Enablement might sound like training, but it provides for a more proactive approach focused on solution selling.

Channel Growing Pains for ISVs

The lower startup and maintenance costs, quicker ROI and increased productivity of the cloud, particularly with Windows Azure, may greatly expand the number of ISVs seeking to build their own channels.

Rising Above a Fragmented Market

When it comes to basic market dynamics, the IT services industry can be characterized in economic parlance as a fragmented industry.

Bag More Prospects with Pinpoint Accuracy

Partner marketing expert Barb Levisay offers tips for getting the most out of Microsoft's free partner directory.

Marching Orders 2011

As the cloud fills every inch of the IT sky, and the Microsoft Partner Network goes into full effect, RCP's panel of experts offer their best tips for your business to thrive.