
One Big Idea

We asked channel luminaries for their single best piece of advice for 2012. The result — valuable tips on topics ranging from cloud and mobility to ISV opportunities and P2P to general business strategies.


Microsoft's Dynamics Partners Weigh their Cloud Options

By Barb Levisay

While waiting for Microsoft to put ERP cloud offerings online, some Dynamics partners have started padding their portfolios with SaaS-based ERP solutions from other vendors.

The Hardware Behind Windows 8 Developer Preview

By Jeffrey Schwartz

Inside the Microsoft Windows 8 development labs, the company had a few dozen PCs and other peripheral devices used to test its first preview of its new OS and Metro interface. Here are nine of them.

Marching Orders 2012: Big Ideas for the Microsoft Channel

By Scott Bekker

RCP asked 19 channel luminaries for their best piece of advice for the year ahead. Here are their tips on ways to make 2012 a banner year for Microsoft partners.


Analysis: Is It Already Too Late for a Windows Tablet?

By Jeffrey Schwartz

Forrester Research report finds waning consumer interest in a Windows-based tablet.