
Marching Orders 2011

RCP's panel of experts weighs in with advice for the coming year on cloud, the Microsoft Partner Network, cloud, M&A and, oh, did we mention cloud?


Bag More Prospects with Pinpoint Accuracy

By Barb Levisay

Partner marketing expert Barb Levisay offers tips for getting the most out of Microsoft's free partner directory.

1 2 3 of a Kind

By Scott Bekker

A lot of factors drove the merger of three Midwest solution providers into Avtex Solutions -- but some of the reasons relate to Microsoft technology issues and the new demands of the Microsoft Partner Network.

Marching Orders 2011

By Scott Bekker

As the cloud fills every inch of the IT sky, and the Microsoft Partner Network goes into full effect, RCP's panel of experts offer their best tips for your business to thrive.


Hustling to Deliver Partner Training

By Jeffrey Schwartz

Lutz Ziob of Microsoft Learning talks about certifications for new partner competencies and the future of training and certifications.