
June 2008 - Bigger Bucks: 2008 Partner Salary Survey

Good new for partners on the salary front this year, but the future indeed looks cloudy. Plus: specializing in vertical market sales; becoming your clients' trust advisor; N-Central 6.5; more.


Go Vertical: A Guide for Partners

By Rich Freeman

For many partners these days, the question isn't whether to develop vertical expertise. It's how to do it. Here's what you need to know to tap into these markets.

7 Ways to Win Your Customers' Trust

By Fred Bayles

Channel leaders who have established themselves as trusted advisors tell how they made their clients' businesses their business.

2008 RCP Salary Survey: Partners See Bigger Bucks

By Lee Pender

A weakening economy might have been in the news for months now, but the results of RCP's second annual salary survey show that a possible recession isn't yet hitting partners' pockets. In fact, on the whole, executives at partner companies are doing better than they did in 2007 -- and high demand for their skills may keep that trend going.

Take a Seat at WPC

By Scott Bekker

Sure, schmoozing is a big part of the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference. But to get the maximum benefit from the event, you need to do more than mingle. Here are our picks for a dozen-plus sessions that you won't want to miss.


Microsoft and Yahoo: No Deal

By Anne Stuart and RCP Staff

By the Numbers

Reading the Tea Leaves on 'Windows 7'

By Scott Bekker

What we know -- so far -- about the next version of the Windows client.

Too Close for Comfort?

By Lee Pender and Kurt Mackie/RCP Staff

In a deal that could spell trouble for Dynamics partners, Salesforce.com and Google are integrating some of their key CRM and productivity apps.

EMC Tangos with Conchango

By Anne Stuart and RCP Staff

The storage giant's acquisition of the British consulting firm provides a stepping stone for expansion in the United Kingdom and beyond.


By Joanne Cummings