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The RCP CSP Directory Is Updated with 4 New Cloud Distys

A big deadline is approaching this week for the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program. Partners who re-enroll as Direct Providers after this Friday will need to purchase one of two partner support plans.

Those plans start at $15,000 a year. While large-volume partners should be able to spread the costs evenly among their customers, it will be a hardship for many smaller partners.

In an infographic, Ingram Micro estimates that the changes will reduce the number of Direct Provider partners from 7,500 worldwide to around 1,000 "soon."

The changes coincide with increasing investment and emphasis by Microsoft over the last few years in enabling the big Indirect Provider partners, who act as cloud distributors and sit between Microsoft and the bulk of CSP partners, known as Indirect Resellers.

That Indirect Provider channel has been growing rapidly. Where a few years ago, there were five or six Indirect Providers in the United States, the choice has ballooned to 17 in recent months.

Given all the activity, we've updated the main page of the RCP "Microsoft CSP: Indirect Provider Directory" and we'll be posting new details about the programs from U.S. Indirect Providers as soon as we can get them. Visit now to check out newly posted questionnaires from Crayon, D&H Distributing, intY and Velosio.

Posted by Scott Bekker on August 27, 2018
