Windows 10

Vista: How Much Will Security Matter?

Microsoft Corp. took great pains to improve security in its newly released computer operating system, Windows Vista, redesigning it to reduce users' exposure to destructive programs from the Internet. Outside researchers commend the retooled approach -- yet they also say the changes won't make online life much safer than it is now.

How Much Will Windows Security Matter?

As Windows Vista becomes more secure against known threats, it's what hackers and cybercriminals devise in the next generation of attacks that keeps Microsoft on its toes.

Microsoft Beefs Up Vista Support

As businesses start to kick the tires on Windows Vista, Office 2007 and Exchange 2007, and consumers get ready to gear up for Vista in particular, Microsoft understandably is preparing for the inevitable onslaught of support calls.

Vista, SQL Server BI Exams in Beta

Microsoft puts four new exam in front of testers.

3 Convicted in Microsoft Software Scam

Trio resold sharply discounted educational versions of software to nonacademic customers.

Critical Fixes for Windows, Visual Studio Coming Next Week

Microsoft issued an Advance Bulletin today stating it will release six fixes for various flaws next Tuesday as part of its regularly scheduled "Patch Tuesday" update.

Auditing Locally Shared Folders

Here’s a script that enumerates all shared folders on all computers in your domain.

Plaintiffs in Microsoft Case Won't Call Gates

Gates deposition from 1998 tobe used in case in lieu of appearance that would "cause disruption."

Hacker Toolkit Cloaks Browser Exploits

Plus: Yahoo! e-mail addresses getting rejected by U.K. site, and yet another Microsoft exploit -- this time for PowerPoint.

It's Happening!

After many delays, Vista sees daylight. You can now get busy.

Get Ready for Live

Microsoft Office Live has gone live. Are you ready to capitalize?

Marching Orders for 2007

New software from Microsoft, new avenues for partner growth. Advice from Microsoft executives and channel luminaries on how to maximize partner opportunies in 2007.

Vista Sets Sail Alongside New Office, Exchange

Calling it the biggest launch in the company's history, Microsoft on Thursday formally launched the business versions of its long-awaited Vista operating system and Office 2007 desktop applications suite at the Nasdaq market site in New York.

Third Parties Support Vista Launch

While Microsoft is busy celebrating the release of Windows Vista and Office 2007, a posse of partners also lined up to announce support for the new products. Unfortunately, many of those third-party announcements are long on promises and short on details, including specifics as to when those new and updated products will actually reach market.

Microsoft to Release Pro Vista on Thurs.

Businesses get first crack at buying Microsoft's long-anticipated Windows upgrade.