Windows Phone 7, Smartphones/Tablets

Microsoft Pushing Licensing Clarity for Key Patents

In the midst of an especially litigious period in the mobile space, Microsoft is issuing a call for greater fairness and clarity in licensing.

Barnes & Noble Did Not Infringe Microsoft Patents, ITC Attorney Says

In an interview with Bloomberg on Monday, an attorney at the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) said Microsoft makes an unconvincing case in its patent infringement suit against Barnes & Noble.

Microsoft Cuts One Patent from Barnes & Noble Lawsuit

Microsoft dropped one of the disputed patents from its lawsuit against Barnes & Noble on Thursday.

Court Favors Microsoft in Barnes & Noble 'Patent Misuse' Claim

Microsoft scored a legal victory this week in its intellectual property dispute against bookseller Barnes & Noble over the use of the Android mobile operating system.

Reports Show Apple Is Becoming a Major Player in the Enterprise

As evidenced by its record-shattering earnings report, Apple is making significant inroads in the enterprise -- a prospect once unimaginable.

Apple Earnings Soar Past Expectations with Record iPad, iPhone Sales

Sales of iPhones, iPads and Macintosh computers blew away all expectations for the quarter ended Dec. 31, Apple said Tuesday.

Microsoft Boosts BI Reporting for iPad via SharePoint 2010

Those using SharePoint 2010 can now take advantage of Microsoft's improved mobile business intelligence (BI) support strategy for Apple's iPad.

CES: 6 Windows Hardware Stunners

Microsoft had few announcements at CES but OEM partners brought out new Windows-based laptops and phones.

Microsoft Now Has Patent Deals with 70 Percent of Android OEMs

Microsoft signed a patent agreement with smartphone maker LG on Thursday, the latest in the company's streak of intellectual property deals over the use of Google's Android and Chrome OS platforms.

Boom Times for Cloud-Based App Marketplaces

Partners would be ill-advised to ignore the growing popularity of app stores.

Forrester: Apple Up, Microsoft Down in Corporate Market Share

A new report by Forrester Research suggests the growing business adoption of Apple iPads and Macs is displacing Microsoft's grip on the corporate market with PCs.

CES: Ballmer Keynote Spotlights Kinect, Windows 8 and Windows Phone

With this reportedly being the last Consumer Electronics Show to feature Microsoft as a headliner, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's opening-day keynote should have been a shining moment.

Windows 8 'Clover Trail' Tablets May Be Coming This Summer

According to a report published Monday by DigiTimes, PC manufacturers Acer and Lenovo are planning to release tablets running Windows 8 on Intel's x86 "Clover Trail" system-on-chip (SoC) silicon as early as June or July.

Survey: Windows Phone No. 1 in User Satisfaction

In a survey of online smartphone user reviews, Microsoft's Windows Phone platform ranked first in customer satisfaction, despite being the least-reviewed.

Marching Orders 2012: Big Ideas for the Microsoft Channel

RCP asked 19 channel luminaries for their best piece of advice for the year ahead. Here are their tips on ways to make 2012 a banner year for Microsoft partners.

Analysis: Is It Already Too Late for a Windows Tablet?

Forrester Research report finds waning consumer interest in a Windows-based tablet.

Analysis: How Apple, Google Are 'Disrupting' Microsoft's Dominance

Gartner analysts say that while the three companies are different, they are competing in the same battlegrounds: social networking, portals and collaboration, mobile device operating systems, the Internet cloud and e-mail.

Microsoft Puts SkyDrive on Windows Phone, Apple iOS Devices

Microsoft on Tuesday made its consumer-oriented SkyDrive cloud storage service available for Windows Phone-based devices and, somewhat surprisingly, for Apple mobile devices.

IDC: Microsoft's Mobile, Tablet Strategy Will Hurt Windows 8 in 2012

Analyst firm IDC forecasts a less-than-stellar showing for Microsoft's forthcoming Windows 8 operating system, expected to be rolled out in 2012.

Report Casts More Doubt on Desktop App Support in Windows 8 ARM

A report by longtime Microsoft observer Mary Jo Foley suggests that Microsoft may be rethinking its plan to support both "Metro-style" and legacy "Desktop" applications on ARM-based Windows 8 tablets.