Managed Service Providers

Microsoft Partner Phase 2 Adds IBM's Hosted Apps

Phase 2 International now offers online IBM Lotus applications to SMBs, adding to its various hosted service offerings which already include a Microsoft solution stack.

RCP Platinum Partner Program

Find out which third-party programs your peers say sell better together with Microsoft solutions.

Microsoft Takes Online Services Worldwide

Microsoft on Monday went global with the two Software plus Services offerings the company unveiled at WPC last year.

Economy: Selling IT Services in Tough Times

Researchers offer insights about how to boost business even when the economy is down.

Sailing into Software Plus Services

Mitchell Cannady, president and CEO of Spinnaker Network Solutions, knew that selling Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online would change his company's course. He just had no idea how fast that would happen.

Do MSPs Face an Identity Crisis?

The phrase "managed services provider" means different things to different people, and the connotation isn't always positive. But MSPs are working to build credibility and show that their market holds big opportunities for customers, vendors and the channel.

Managed Services Tool Talk

No managed services provider can afford to be without solid business and IT management applications. Here's a guide to some of the top offerings.

Ambiguous Adventure: Microsoft and Managed Services

Whether or not partners will be part of Redmond's latest foray remains to be seen.

Selecting a Managed Security Services Provider

Look for a provider that can deliver an end-to-end view across the network.

Steering SMBs Toward Managed Services

SMBs can't afford to hire a qualified IT staff to administer their networks. Partners who provide managed services can step in.

Software as a Service: You're Not in This Alone

As SaaS picks up steam, more resources are coming online to help with the transition to on-demand delivery.

MSPP Web Site Gets a Facelift

For a once-drab site, a little polish goes a long way.

So You Want To Be an MSP...

Sure, you can dive right on into managed services, but you'll be doing your company a favor if you tread carefully and review your business plan to fit your new goals.