In-Depth Features

Randoph-Macon Woman’s College: Serious About Technology

Like your job? Here's your chance to compare your company with eight of the best—at least in how they treat their Microsoft Certified Professionals.

EWA Services: Outstanding in Its Field

Like your job? Here's your chance to compare your company with eight of the best—at least in how they treat their Microsoft Certified Professionals.

From the Trenches: The Confusing Case of the Two-PDC Domain

Getting a new ERP application up and running was only the first challenge for this MCP.

Compaq's Employee Investment

Like your job? Here's your chance to compare your company with eight of the best—at least in how they treat their Microsoft Certified Professionals.

Good Work! 8 Great Companies for MCPs

Like your job? Here's your chance to compare your company with eight of the best—at least in how they treat their Microsoft Certified Professionals.

Visit to a Far-Flung Subnet

In which Mole addresses issuing IP addresses to clients all over the place.

Salary Surveys: Managing The Pain

Dealing with the fallout from the salary surveys—increasing your salary and evaluating the salaries of your IT professionals.

Law of Averages

A close look at the numbers will reveal why your salary may differ slightly.

What do the Numbers Really Mean—For You?

That MCP salaries remain strong is no surprise, given the increasing need for skilled IT professionals and developers.

From the Trenches: Move Seamlessly from One Processor to Many

How do you get NT 4.0 to recognize your second processor if it won't even boot up?

Progress at the Speed of Thin

Terminal Services offers a way to move your clients to Windows 2000--and other new applications--without messing with hardware or OS upgrades.

The Mole: Message Management Tricks

In which the Mole addresses event logging magic and copying groups.

Make the Move to Windows 2000: Advice from the Experts

Migrating to a system as complex as Windows 2000 is tough. Here's what consulting firms and analysts recommend as you plan your company's deployment.

Major Messaging on Exchange 2000

Exchange 2000 is as different from Exchange 5.5 as Windows 2000 is from NT 4.0. This feature briefing will bring you up to date on this big new release.

Systems Engineering: Home-Built Intrusion Detection

With a bit of SQL and the NT Resource Kit, you can create a log file management system to stay on top of potential intrusions.

Answers from Deep Inside

We've partnered with TechNet to bring you answers to technical questions from deep within Microsoft--direct from "Mole."

Systems Engineering: Assembly-Line Deployment

When you're calculating TCO to justify Windows 2000, don't forget Remote Installation Services, a neat tool to deploy the OS to your client PCs.

On the International Front: Coming to America

The author shares his insights about taking high-tech position in the U.S. It's not all sunshine and stock options.

Closing the IT-Business Gap

Ever failed at a project because you didn't understand how to manage it? A new GartnerInstitute program wants to teach you a better way.

Team Effort: Integrating Windows 2000 DNS with Unix DNS

Microsoft's new domain name service is enticing but requires significant planning, especially across platforms and operating systems. Perhaps the greatest challenge is interoperability with Unix DNS.