In-Depth Features

Windows XP Playbook

If XP’s in your future—and the minute you buy new desktop systems, it probably will be—use these strategies to get the most out of Microsoft’s newest OS.

Certification Crossroads

Certifications are an important part of most IT professionals’ careers. Now, with more offerings than ever, which ones can help you most?

An Ounce of Prevention

When setting up a network, forgetting the concepts of scalability and centralized management can have costly consequences down the road.

Windows 2000 Defragmentation Tools

Five ways to fight the inevitable disk slowdown.

Antiviral Scanners

This is Roberta; are you working?

Stop Viruses at the Gate

The newest crop of Exchange antivirus products prevents users from receiving infected mail.

MOM is still Watching You

It takes a powerful server to watch over an entire network. Is Microsoft Operations Manager up to the task?

A Method for the Madness

Understanding and applying the Microsoft frameworks can help you bring order and meaning to the chaos of technical projects in your organization.

The Human Factor

Anti-virus software can help with only one part of the defense.

The Three Components of Network Management

Before you use MOM, brush up on the basics of enterprise systems monitoring.

Your IT Operations Guide

Running behind? Too much to do? Worried about the future? Take a breather and consider how to do your job better. This report shares 10 best practices that will put you and your IT staff ahead of the next fire.

Vets in Training

Schools, training centers, and other organizations are working with the VA to help U.S. veterans get the necessary tools you need to become active in the IT workforce.

Administrators, Start Your Backup Engines ...

The latest in backup software handles the complexity of Windows 2000.

Extreme Education

If you're going to put out the time and money to take a technical course, make sure you do the learning job right.

Choosing the Right Backup Tape

With the drop in hard drive prices, many system administrators are faced with more data to back up than before.

IT Schools: Readers Weigh In

Readers speak up to tell us about their training experiences—the good and the bad.

Tough Training -- Boot Camp-style

Going to a boot camp is one way to get Windows 2000-certified. But is that the best way? An MCP Magazine editor does the computer equivalent of Parris Island and reports from the front lines.

Delegate! Passing Administrative Control with Active Directory

One of Active Directory’s coolest features is the ability to delegate administration in an extremely granular way. This guide shows you how.

Troubleshoot Group Policy

These tricks and tools will help you seek out and destroy problem policies.

Duel to the Death

This health system's organization had its migration strategy all mapped out. But then reality intervened, causing a major course-change.