In-Depth Features

Keeping a Safe Distance from Microsoft

ISVs need to stay close to Microsoft -- but not too close. Here's how to be an effective partner without giving away too much.

Do Unto Others

Born from VAR roots, the Windows admin tool vendor ScriptLogic treats its partners and customers like gold.

On the Campaign Trail

Microsoft has replaced its 'go-to-markets' with customer campaigns. What does the switch mean for partners?

Branding 101

Think you can afford to ride on the coattails of the Microsoft name? Think again. You need to promote your own brand, too.

Best Practices: Learning to Love the Deal

Top-notch negotiators aren't born with that talent; they develop it by practice. Here's how to sharpen your own skills before you ever sit down at the table.

Fishing for Venture Capital

Researching VC firms, getting ready for their questions and practicing on B-list players clear the way for landing the right investment partner.

Betting the Business on Beta Technology

The Menninger Clinic is revamping its records management system with beta versions of Office 2007 applications.

Taking the Plunge

Most service providers have no shortage of great product ideas. Here's how to make a big splash as a software vendor.

Microsoft's New U.S. Channel Chief

A Q&A with Robert Deshaies

The Quest for Supply Chain Riches

Microsoft's share of the supply chain market may be tiny now, but the company sees massive promise on the horizon — with great benefits for partners.

Out-of-the-Box Accountant

Help Office customers manage their books without the headaches of learning a whole new interface.

Microsoft Consulting in Your Corner

While boosting Microsoft's consulting investments, SVP Rick Devenuti is engaged in an unprecedented campaign to reassure skittish partners that they will keep their dominant role in enterprise services.

Knocked a-SKU

Microsoft believes its SKU program for packaging services will see a payoff in three years. One down, two to go ...

Virtual Projects, Real Results

Long-distance collaboration can generate big savings -- or big problems. Here's how to get the best from virtual project management.

The Sky's The Limit as a Microsoft Supplier

Joining the elite ranks of Microsoft's suppliers can be highly lucrative, but you've got to play by Redmond's rules. Here's how.

Racing to a Better Design

Dassault Systemes helps Evernham Motorsports make fast cars faster.

MOM 2005: Monitor Globally, Manage Locally

Microsoft Operations Manager helps your customers keep a watchful eye and steady hand over their systems.

What Makes Venture Capitalists Tick

Venture capitalists are far less visible these days, but with the right approach, you can still woo them -- and win their support.

Strike It Rich: How Partners Can Tap Microsoft's Upcoming Releases Now

Brand new technologies in Microsoft's upcoming product wave could spell opportunity for creative partners

The Two Faces of the Microsoft Brand

With a great brand name comes great partner responsibility.