In-Depth Features

Google Android Flaw Reopens Open Source Security Debate

A security flaw in Google's new Android operating system discovered recently by independent researchers further underscores the security debate between open source and proprietary software.

Spam Attacks on the Rise in Q3

Identity thieves and hackers appear to be coming at Windows users from all fronts, most commonly with spam. They were particularly active during the third quarter of 2008, when they did it eight times more frequently than in the previous quarter, according to a report released Monday by Sophos.

How to Leverage LARs Instead of Losing to Them

A large account reseller can be your best friend or your biggest headache. Here's how to leverage the many benefits of working with these elite Microsoft partners while avoiding the very real dangers.

New Support for Systems Integrators

AmberPoint's partner program provides SI services and tools.

Microsoft's Gear Up Steps out of the Shadows

Formerly low-key site for partner sales professionals gets a new share of the limelight.

Essential Business Server: Best Practices in a Box

While many partners eagerly await the debut of the solution formerly known as "Centro," some grumble that Microsoft's midmarket server bundle leaves them with too few third-party options.

HP Enhances PartnerONE Program

Streamlined program will drop Gold, Platinum levels.

The Microsoft Partner Program Turns 5

In an exclusive interview, Allison Watson opens up about the highs, the lows, the challenges and the future of the Microsoft Partner Program.

Laying out the P2P Opportunities

Vendors launch new products, programs for partners for the forthcoming year.

The New SMB Curriculum

Seeing big opportunities in small to midsize businesses (SMBs), major IT vendors have retooled their SMB channel programs and offerings to get that business. Here's a primer on emerging opportunities for partners to get a piece of the action.

Talkin’ ’Bout the Next Generation ... of Microsoft’s Partner Ecosystem

Redmond recently unveiled plans to revise key aspects of the 5-year-old Microsoft Partner Program. Experts and partners weigh in on the likely impact of the coming changes.

S+S: From Possibilities to Specifics

In narrowing its Software plus Services talk into a real program, Microsoft had to go from dozens of promising options to one controversial reality. Many partners see opportunities in the program, but concerns abound.

Survey: IT Hiring and Pay Still Up, But Employers 'Cautious'

With the U.S. economy still circling and unemployment on the rise, it's a good time to be in IT -- relatively speaking.

Unlocking the Secrets of Microsoft's Calendar

To many outside Redmond, the inner workings of the company's fiscal year are baffling at best. Our quarter-by-quarter guide removes some of the mystery -- and helps partners profit by doing the right thing at the right time.

Sailing into Software Plus Services

Mitchell Cannady, president and CEO of Spinnaker Network Solutions, knew that selling Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online would change his company's course. He just had no idea how fast that would happen.

Microsoft in Transition

These are turbulent times for the software giant. The company is grappling with upheaval in the industry, in its leadership and in the way it deals with its partners. But one thing hasn't changed: Redmond and the channel still need each other to succeed.

Tech Spotlight: Mobility

Apple brings buzz to the market that could translate into sales of other types of smartphones in the short run.

Think Globally, Act Locally

With its new Citizen Service Platform, Microsoft is making a big play for small-government customers. But will those entities play along?

The New Rules of Partnering with Microsoft

As the Microsoft Partner Program marks its fifth anniversary, its leadership lays out a new long-term game plan.

Capturing Dollars Lost to Piracy

Think software piracy is just Redmond's problem? A study being released at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference puts a dollar figure on the revenues the channel could collect by helping the software giant defeat the pirates-and that bounty is bigger than you might think.