In-Depth Features

UPS Powers IT At a Moment's Notice

Your clients might not need it at this very moment, but the day may come when they'll be glad they listened to you about making that uninterruptible power supply purchase.

Microsoft's 8 Most Popular 'Zombie' Product Lines (and What To Do If Your Customers Want Them)

Beware of these eight undead products: Customers may want them, but their support and future are in doubt.

The 5 Biggest Challenges for the New Microsoft Channel Chief

Jonathan Roskill takes over the Worldwide Partner Group at a time of overlapping, critical transitions.

Get Comfortable with the Cloud

Relax, there's a future with Microsoft in the cloud, channel chief Allison Watson plans to tell partners at this month's WPC. That's not to say it won't take hard work to get there. Watson and pioneering partners share their flight path to profits.

Migration Madness: SharePoint 2010

Now that SharePoint 2010 is shipping, partners are primed to handle upgrades on customers' terms.

Bare Metal Battle: Microsoft and Citrix vs. the World

Microsoft leads partners to side with Citrix in virtualization's newest battle.

Cloud Visibility: Security Audit Demands for Your Cloud Vendor

The question isn't whether the cloud is secure, but whether your provider can show you what's behind the curtain.

Backup and Recovery -- What Are SMBs Waiting For?

In the battle to get customers to pay attention to backup and recovery offerings, it's important to know your enemy.

RIM Atop The Smartphone Heap

The Blackberry maker so far has maintained its lead in the smartphone segment, but Apple and Google present worthwhile challenges that keep RIM working harder to stay at the top.

Microsoft's Smartphone Strategy Needs a Genius Plan

A decade into it, Microsoft's smartphone strategy lags Apple, Google and RIM. Can it climb back on the strength of its recent efforts?

4th Annual RCP Salary Survey

Microsoft partners want to put the worst economic times in recent memory behind them, but results from this year's survey indicate doubts linger that compensation will rebound in the next 12 months.

Reaching for the Cloud

As hosting providers are squeezed, could Microsoft cloud services offer a safe haven?

Microsoft Partners, Meet the NSIs

National Systems Integrators are the rock stars of the U.S. Microsoft Partner Community. Is it a designation worth aspiring to?

Q&A: CIO Michele Norin

Split Decision: University of Arizona CIO explains why Google Apps was OK for students, while Microsoft BPOS was better-suited for faculty and employees.

Beyond Managed Services

Your clients often need services that go beyond what you offer in the traditional MSP role. So, look around: Is there untapped revenue sitting right under your nose?

Office 2010: Productivity Play

When Microsoft Office 2010 ships this month, the suite faces its most serious challenge yet from lower-cost alternatives. Here are nine reasons why Redmond's newest version still promises to be a boon to partners.

Shaking up Subscriptions

As part of the Microsoft Partner Network overhaul, Microsoft is revamping the popular Action Pack program this month.

IT Cloud Survival Skills

Cloud computing may fundamentally change the way IT professionals do their jobs. Smart IT pros will be prepared for the upheaval to come.

Will Google Disrupt the Microsoft Channel?

Microsoft is usually the one to beat. But we're talking search, so this means Microsoft is looking up to a larger foe in Google.

MSP Philosophy: Relationships Underpin IT

What makes you different from your competitors? The answer is simple and obvious.