In-Depth Features

Best Mobile Apps for Microsoft Partners' Internal Use

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Here are the top five mobile apps to help partners navigate the Microsoft channel from day to day.

Best Mobile Apps for Microsoft Partners: Apple iPad Edition

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Microsoft partners using the iPad need their apps, too. Here are six of the best ones.

The 30 Best Mobile Apps for Microsoft Partners

Buried in the marketplaces maintained by Google, Apple and Microsoft are valuable smartphone and tablet apps that can help round out compelling solutions for customers. Here are the top 10 for each mobile platform.

Windows Hardware Gallery: Thinner, Lighter, Faster

When it comes to tech hardware, the trend is unquestionably mobility. In this special feature, we survey the latest in Windows-based mobile hardware -- from ultrabooks to smartphones to tablets.

Windows 8 Consumer Preview: An iPad User's Review

A review of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview on Apple's tablet finds the OS visually and substantively good enough to be worth the sizable learning curve.

Marching Orders: Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2012

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Microsoft's annual Worldwide Partner Conference is a rewarding experience, but it can also become overwhelming if attendees aren't prepared. Here are some tips for how to survive (and enjoy) this year's WPC in Toronto from five industry consultants.

Q&A with the IAMCP's New Worldwide Leader

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Kelvin Kirby talks to RCP about what's coming down the pipeline from the International Association of Microsoft Channel Partners, from the organization's plan to expand its chapters to what to expect from the upcoming Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference.

The Case for Joining the IAMCP

The IAMCP is a channel institution unique to Microsoft partners. A U.S. board member makes the case for membership as the organization undergoes changes that its leaders hope will lead to 250 percent membership growth in the United States over the next year.

Dynamics CRM: How Microsoft Is Stepping Up to

Microsoft may be an underdog in the crowded CRM software field, but with a new GM in the Dynamics CRM business, the company seems poised to take on Oracle, SAP and CRM giant

Microsoft NSI Partners: Full List

A complete list of Microsoft's 33 National Systems Integrator partners.

Lessons from Microsoft's NSI Partners

Few partners can achieve Microsoft National Systems Integrator status, but that doesn't mean their success isn't repeatable for other Microsoft partners. Here are the strategies NSIs used to get to the top.

A Cloud Real Estate Rush Is On for SMBs

WEB EXCLUSIVE: A Microsoft-sponsored survey of 3,000 companies shows that despite the threats of outages and security breaches, businesses are getting more comfortable with the idea of putting their data on the cloud.

Is the Microsoft Pinpoint Directory Working?

Microsoft officials say the Pinpoint infrastructure drove 1 million leads to partners in the last fiscal year. Some partners appreciate and take advantage of the system Microsoft has built, but others find it too much work for too little return.

OneNote vs. EverNote: A Side-by-Side Comparison

As new device types become ubiquitous, it's time to rethink how we take notes. While there are more cutting-edge products out there, Evernote and Microsoft OneNote provide forward-looking, highly productive options for multiple devices and the cloud. Each has its advantages.

Apple in the Enterprise: Microsoft Partners Help Apple Get Down to Business

Use of iPads, iPhones and Macs by businesses is going through the roof. Despite a history of courting consumers, Apple has a growing need for partners who can integrate the company's hardware with Microsoft software and networks.

Microsoft Revs Its CRM Engine

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Despite its underdog status in the crowded field of customer relationship management software, the new general manager of Microsoft's Dynamics CRM business is ready to take on market leaders, Oracle and SAP.

How 3 Microsoft Partners Are Adapting Their Service Models for the Cloud

As SMBs adopt cloud solutions, how can partners continue to provide value-added services to those organizations? Innovative partners are finding ways to "package" services to accompany cloud-based changes in both technology and buyer attitudes.

Microsoft Lync 2010 App for Windows Phone: A Review

A Lync implementation partner puts the hotly anticipated Microsoft mobile app through its paces on his Windows Phone. Here is his verdict.

Microsoft's Dynamics Partners Weigh their Cloud Options

While waiting for Microsoft to put ERP cloud offerings online, some Dynamics partners have started padding their portfolios with SaaS-based ERP solutions from other vendors.

The Hardware Behind Windows 8 Developer Preview

Inside the Microsoft Windows 8 development labs, the company had a few dozen PCs and other peripheral devices used to test its first preview of its new OS and Metro interface. Here are nine of them.