Microsoft's chief finance head on Thursday answered questions about Microsoft's business plans at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference 2009 event in San Francisco.
- By Kurt Mackie
- February 26, 2009
Microsoft provided a strategic update at a financial analyst meeting in New York, describing prospects for the company's second half of the fiscal year, which ends in June.
- By Kurt Mackie
- February 24, 2009
A weakened economy will serve as a catalyst to push enterprises from on-premise computing to accessing services over the Internet cloud, according to Microsoft exec Doug Hauser, who delivered an address on Wednesday at the Thomas Weisel 2009 Technology and Telecom Conference.
- By Jim Barthold
- February 11, 2009
Unified communications (UC) has emerged from the Internet cloud thanks to a partnership that brings together LightEdge Solutions, BroadSoft and Microsoft
- By Jim Barthold
- February 11, 2009
Intel Corp., known mostly for its hardware chips, has been gradually moving into the software cloud-computing space, with support for IT administrative tasks as its initial target market.
- By Herb Torrens
- February 05, 2009
Developers ask if Windows Mobile is on hold.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- February 01, 2009
A survey of more than 300 open source software (OSS) developers found that many plan to distribute their solutions as services over the Internet cloud.
- By Herb Torrens
- January 20, 2009
Microsoft is reorganizing two of its online teams -- Live Mesh and Live Services -- by centralizing them under a Windows segment, according to reports from Mary-Jo Foley and Todd Bishop published on Friday.
- By Kurt Mackie
- January 19, 2009
Microsoft announced a client update to the beta version of Live Mesh on Tuesday.
- By Herb Torrens
- January 16, 2009
Microsoft released the second community technology previews of its Software Development Kit and Visual Studio extensions for the new Windows Azure cloud services platform.
- By Kathleen Richards
- January 16, 2009
Google on Wednesday launched a beefed-up Google Apps reseller program for the enterprise, opening the program beyond its initial 50 core team members
- By Jim Barthold
- January 16, 2009
New global research forecasts a swift rise in development plans for Software as a Service applications in the next 12 months.
- By Kathleen Richards
- January 12, 2009
Microsoft has issued a patent application, published on Dec. 25, that specifies the metered use of computers.
- By Kurt Mackie
- January 06, 2009
The Dynamics-in-the-cloud vision remains murky, but partners can take part in giving it shape as Microsoft figures out how to deliver it the right way.
- By Joshua Greenbaum
- January 01, 2009
Enterprises are starting to appreciate software as a service (SaaS) and plan to maintain or grow their SaaS use, according to a survey conducted by Gartner, tapping 258 respondents.
- By Jim Barthold
- December 04, 2008
Microsoft is initiating the fourth in a series of datacenter upgrades to enable its cloud computing services, according to a Microsoft blog post on Tuesday.
- By Herb Torrens
- December 02, 2008
Never mind the recession. With Windows Azure, partners have a new set of challenges brought on by cloud-based computing.
- By Scott Bekker
- December 01, 2008
Microsoft's Software plus Services Incubation Centers can help ISVs hook into SaaS opportunities by pairing them with experienced hosters.
- By Rich Freeman
- December 01, 2008
Microsoft's announcement last week that it will offer a new software development platform for cloud computing added new energy to the debate over how and when organizations might begin turning to the technology.
- By Wyatt Kash
- November 03, 2008
A startup company called is currently using Windows Azure, the new Microsoft "cloud operating system" supporting software as a service applications and storage.
- By Kurt Mackie
- October 31, 2008